Enable dark mode notepad++
Enable dark mode notepad++

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) needs to be closed during the process. Since the option is not officially supported changes to the configuration file need to be made manually. To take effect completely, the editor needs to be restarted. Check the 'Enable dark mode' tick box if you want to use dark mode. The dark mode can be enabled for the Notepad++ application. This option is only available in SSMS version 2016 or higher, any version below that does not support this option. The dark mode will be enabled on notepad when you launch Windows 11. The dark-theme is not officially supported by Microsoft, however, the code is already present. Referencesīefore you start Requirements how to enable dark theme Before you start Guide to enable dark-theme in SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS). Azulia has a list of some of the most popular from the web, even though its list is biased.35284 views 0 minutes to read Contributors Purpose You’ll probably find that only a few of them are useful, though. The easiest way to go about changing the colors, however, is to set a different theme. This process doesn’t clear other settings, it just essentially disables all custom settings except for global override for each particular categorized checkbox. Each one will completely override all other styles set in the configuration or theme only to display what the Global override is set to. In the Global override style, there is a total of 8 checkboxes. Note the background color is the canvas and the foreground color is the text color. And both the background and foreground colors can be changed. The font family and size can be adjusted as well.

enable dark mode notepad++

You can set for things to be bold, italic or underlined. The Global override is a universal mask that can be set to control the font style and background colors regardless of what language or file type you are working with.Ĭustomizing the style is pretty straightforward once you look at it.Once your notepad has been saved as a particular file type, Notepad++ will then recognize its language and apply the Language-specific style to it. The Default style is what will be used when you open a new notepad and begin typing.These are the Default Style and the Global override. If you want to immediately customize things, there are two main (separate) styles to look at. This option is found under Settings > Style Configurator. In Notepad++ the fonts and colors are controlled by the built-in Style Configurator.

Enable dark mode notepad++